Toe-ing The Line
So first up, apologies for the lack of updates on the blog and my social medias, however you’ll find I’ve had a convenient excuse… I’ve been in hospital! I’m fine and I’ve been back home for about a week, but I’m recovering due to a surgery where they amputated the big toe on my right foot.
Without going into too much detail, a few weeks ago I found a cut on my toe and I had been treating it with antiseptic cream and band aids but some time in the last month it got infected. It was during this time I was exhausted from the wedding shoot and some bastard coughed on the back on my neck on the train so I though I had the flu, until my toe started to hurt like all buggery. Because i’m an idiot I thought it would pass and put it off (also because I was feeling absolutely wretched from the ‘flu’), until it got a… disgusting point and I finally went to the local GP. I immediately had to head to the Emergency department and the Doctors there are like, “yeah, you need to get that cut off now before it spread to your foot.” So I did.
And this was my lovely view for the next week.
Surgery went well with I was pumped full of antibiotics for the next week whilst they monitored me, plus they stuck a bunch of gauze in the hole and stuck a vacuum on it suck out all the goo and infection and non-so-fun stuff; this is still on my foot as I type which basically means no driving and limited walking. There was also an issue with a, thankfully now, false record of being allergic to penicillin, aka the bestest antibiotic and the one this particular infection hates the most… oh and I found out I have Type 2 Diabetes. Yes this didn’t really surprise me and I had planned on looking into it before the world exploded several times.
The other view when I could be bothered to turn my head.
For the most part I’m absolutely fine, adjusting to life as a pin cushion for being a diabetic, and mostly just trying to regain my strength and energy after almost two weeks of not being able to eat solids (fun!) and mostly being bed ridden. The Nurses were awesome and amazing and deserve all the credit in the world; the Doctors mostly just turned up in packs of four said hello, talked to themselves, asked a couple of questions and buggered off.
The thing that’s deeply worrying me is so far I’m getting behind on TAFE work as I’ve not been able to go in weeks, and whilst I’ve got a far chunk done there is a lot of stuff I’m missing out on and perplexed at how I’m going to be able to hand in my cyanotypes if necessary in the next couple of weeks; never mind being extremely paranoid that my books files didn’t go through properly having to send them in whilst I was literally in my hospital bed!
What I mostly looked at when I wasn’t looking at my phone, kindle, or laptop… which was most of the first day at hospital waiting on surgery.
Hoping to be back on my feet (HA!) in the next couple of weeks, a visit to the Clinic today said that everything was looking good but I’ll still be on IV for a couple of weeks. Looking forward to being able to get the hell out of here.