Playing The Game…
Currently working on a video editing assessment for TAFE at the moment and whilst having a break I thought it would be a good time to quickly reminisce about some of my earliest academia, especially as it revolves around such endeavours.
Most people will not be aware that I never really wanted to be a photographer, or at the very least I was basically discouraged at an early age but that’s a completely different story, but my first desire was to do computer graphics and special effects for movies… which back in 1994 for Year 10 when I was being set upon my future career path in High School was literally a thing that didn’t exist in Australia (yes we had to set our career path back then) and the other “option” was graphic designer. At that point it was a TAFE option and not a university option, as such I never tried to get into Uni and set my sights on TAFE… aaaaaand I failed to get into the course I wanted.
Skip ahead a couple of years or trying and failing at TAFE and ECU, trying and failing to get a job in the industry (or any job for that matter), until needing an outlet whilst I was volunteering and doing Work For The Dole (before it because the monster that it is) I did some part-time night courses at TAFE (again). I chose Animation (which I loved but wasn’t going to pursuit), 3d Modeling (which I suck at), and Video Editing… which I was moderately good at. For the big assessment we needed to get footage of ourselves and put it into a movie, I decided to just instead make a movie.
Called ‘Computing Conumdrums’ (sadly taken down on YouTube due to copyright) I got my first taste of film making and I loved it, but due to life it wasn’t a thing I could pursuit beyond helping people make their own stuff. After working at and losing my terrible job, making back into my parents after living by myself and couldn’t afford to rent again, and some personal issues, I decided to go back to studying Full-Time. I applied as a mature student for Murdoch for their Games Art and Design course thinking I could make vidya games but took a double with Screen and Sound when accepted, and feel back in love with film making, resulting in my second short film.
Pirate vs Ninja (2009)
Shot with a tiny budget and with the help of a couple of friends, this was such much fun I had to shoot it twice… that and I blew out the video the first time and it kinda sucked in hindsight. Don’t get me wrong this isn’t a master piece but i’m still a little proud of it, in fact there are a lot of things I’d do again different if I had the chance. This was for my first year Screen Production class and this made me want to be a Director. After having to redo a couple of courses due to some course issues, I finally was able to shoot a more ambitious short film which I’m even more insanely proud of (again despite it’s faults), The Game.
The Game (2011)
Maybe one day I’ll go into this in more detail; I still have all the blogs from this time but sadly all the files got lost in a hard drive a couple of years ago, although I still have the raw video files on video cassette the production and audio files are gone.
Unfortunately due to getting involved with Cosplay, and a bad case of work/study burn out, I never completed my course, however I did do a semester of Photography and let that started me onto the path where I am right now… granted it took a couple of years to get there.