Taking the day off… but not really.
So I forgot to post something yesterday, breaking an unwritten rule I had for myself for this blog. To be fair to myself no one says I have to do it but frankly I forgot as I was just trying to unwind for a bit (still feeling under the weather)… and then last night I started to paint more cyanotype paper to try and finish it this week.
I should have taken a photo of all of it, but I just was trying to get as much done with the time I had… and yes I store my chemicals in a Thor popcorn bucket.
That being said on Saturday I did finally sort through and rank all my wedding photos for my assessment, and as it stands I have 909 “Bad”, 679 “Okay”, and 274 “Good” out of 2678 taken on the day. I should state that for assessment purposes I need to provide 100 of each category, although I’m unsure if this is a minimum or a maximum so this will likely change at some point soon but frankly I’m over thinking about it for the rest of the week.
Admittedly there are a couple of photos I’m insanely proud of getting there, but honestly I’ll likely never make them public in any fashion just to avoid someone thinking this is something I actually do. Apart from that I’ll be glad this course is over and I’ll never have to do it ever again.