Part of the Advanced Diploma is working in a studio environment and/or usage of studio lighting setups to create images akin to industry standards Currently been working on a series of images to represent a variety of product photography that may be useful for future work or commission work. Below is some of my favourites.
It Came For Dessert
Shooting this dessert was a lot of fun but not without it’s technical difficulties. I initially wanted more clown iconography but found it difficult finding a big red nose and spinning tie, plus the confetti canons were not as I expected, however I think I captured the intended fun. Fun fact! Canned whipped cream deflates almost immediately after you squirt it all over something, so you need to work out every technical aspect of the lighting before you start covering your pie with cream. This was all achieved in camera with minor corrections, it was backlit with a big soft box and bounce light on the front fill.
Gallifrey - For the well travelled physician.
This image is for the Whovians out there, who might appreciate this was shot on a mannequin. The brief was for a piece of jewellery on a human model so I thought it would be interesting to make a fun homage to The Doctor, especially as I had this Gallifrey tie clip and a Tenth Doctor style tie (it also happened that I knew the mannequin was wearing a blue shirt). It was a deliberate choice to keep the clothing and tie dishevelled, a nod to the first appearance of the Eleventh Doctor, but for me it was key to get the tie clip lit right and as straight as humanly possible. The lighting was two soft boxs side lighting the subject and adjusted until I was happy with the result, which with a little bit of luck and patience I was able to get it well lit with some interesting detail and shadows.
By the Power of Grey… err.. Asgard!
I absolutely love light painting and light graffiti, and this image was a lot of fun to produce. This technique was primarily focused on stacking various light painted images into one, and I knew I could have a little bit of fun with Thor’s might hammer Mjolnir. This image is a combination of 5 different light painted images that are masked and blended together in Photoshop; including 4 different colour light paints on the hammer and an attempt at light graffiti for the lightning, which isn’t as easy as you think. The blue base is created by using a highly reflective material that is used in reflective vest to produce those interesting ripples and shadows. None of the colours have been produced or manipulated digitally, and I like that the blending and masking produced a heightened reality (or even cartoonic) look that pays homage to its comic book source.